"Beats and Bones" is a retro 8bit style adventure game where you complete rhythm challenges instead of hacking and slashing your way to victory.
This was the first game I have ever made using Godot, and also the first game I've ever "completed" during a game jam, so expectations should be set accordingly. :)

I didn't have time to find 8bit music and assign specific rhythm courses to each song, so I just procedurally generated the beats and play a bass/snare sound to keep the tempo. It might be hard for people that aren't musically inclined to follow, but it's all I had time for.

Game rules

  • You can end the game at any time by finding your dog and running to them, the dog will spawn in a few different places throughout the map
  • Score more points by collecting more bones, and getting more beats by challenging enemies
  • Don't miss too many beats, or it will be game over
  • You can try to dodge the enemies if you don't want to challenge them

How long does a playthrough take?

If you run around just looking for the dog, probably about 5 minutes. If you want to explore the whole map and collect most of the bones, probably 20-30min.

The game source is all on Github: https://github.com/Grant1219/mizjam1


beats_and_bones_windows.zip 16 MB
beats_and_bones_linux.tar.gz 17 MB
beats_and_bones_macos.x86_64.zip 17 MB

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